Primary 1
Hello! Welcome to Primary 1.
In P1, Mrs Anderson is our teacher and Miss Bennette is our Classroom Assistant. We love to learn, laugh and play together!
We get to know our classmates, our teachers and our school and we have so much fun learning together.
in Literacy we learn reading, writing and phonics. In the beginning we focus on phonological awareness. We learn about syllables, alliteration, rhyming words and we learn to blend and segment words orally. We learn the letter sounds and begin to build words and sentences and learn the correct way to form letters. We use our phonics knowledge and learn reading strategies to help us become independent readers and writers.
in Numeracy we learn about Number, Shape, Space and Measure and Handling Data. We learn a lot through songs and stories and through practical activities. We use our World Around Us topics to make Numeracy fun, for example; in Autumn we will count, sort and weigh conkers, pine cones and acorns. We create graphs for different colour leaves and we use natural materials that we collect on our Autumn walk to practice correct number formation.
Our World Around Us topics include, Autumn, Marvellous Me, Fairytales and Christmas, Whizzing Wheels, At the Farm, In the Jungle and Under the Sea. From time to time our topics will change depending on the interests of the children.
We also cover, PE, RE, PDMU and The Arts which are linked to our class topics where possible.
in P1 we participate in 1 hour per day of Play-Based Learning which is closely linked to our World Around Us topics and helps to reinforce our Literacy and Numeracy learning intentions. Our aim is to take take learning outdoors as much as possible and we are constantly developing our outdoor play area to enhance outdoor play and learning. We are now a Forest School and we enjoy participating in Forest School activities which help to develop independence, resilience, wellbeing, social skills, creativity, problem solving and the ability to share.
P1 Information
P1 begin their day by lining up on the school path at 8.45am. Mrs Anderson will be there to meet everyone and walk the children into school.
P1 finish every day at 2pm, however parents can arrange for children to attend our wrap around care- Superstars!
PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Children can wear leggings, shorts or jogging bottoms to school with trainers. Most children have PE slippers in school and will change their shoes for PE sessions.
After Halloween, all children will receive homework. Homework will be given out on a Monday and must be completed and returned on a Thursday. We encourage reading every night.
On Fridays, the children borrow a library book and must return it on the Thursday. This will be a book of your child’s choice so it is possible they will borrow the same title multiple times.
We aim to have 2 sessions of Play-Based Learning per week ALL OUTDOORS. The days below may change depending on weather and availability of resources. We have purchased puddle suits for all children which will help on wet days. Please remember to send your child with a warm coat, particularly on Tuesdays and Fridays. All children are asked to leave 1 pair of wellies in school which are used for outdoor play sessions and outdoor learning around school.
Our topics in P1 are:
Term 1-Marvellous Me, Autumn, Fairytales, Christmas
Term 2 - Whizzing Wheels, Winter, At the Farm
Term 3- In the Jungle, Under the Sea, Spring/Summer
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Homework (after Halloween) | Ulster Orchestra sessions (From Term 2) | Holy Cross Shared Education sessions- dates will be confirmed through ClassDojo | Library day | Assembly |
PE Day | Return Homework | PE Day | ||
Outdoor Play | Outdoor Play | |||
Curriculum Information
October- December Literacy The children will:
Numeracy The children will:
World Around Us The children will:
ICT The children will:
The Arts The children will:
PDMU and RE The children will:
The children will:
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, 63 Alliance Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim. BT14 7JE | Phone: 028 9039 1961