Primary 4
Welcome to Primary 4!
Our Team:
Class Teachers: Mrs Duncan (Monday & Tuesday)
Mrs Mills (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Mr McCombe (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) for class year 2024-2025
Classroom Assistants: Mrs Hughes and Miss Houston
We are looking forward to learning lots of new things this year. We are so excited to be part of your P4 adventure and can't wait to make lots of exciting memories with you along the way! Keep an eye on our class page throughout the year to see what we have been learning.
P4 Information
School begins: All P4 children should be lined up in the playground by 8.45am sharp.
Finish times: 2.45pm (Mon-Thurs)
2pm (Fri)
Homework and reading books go home every Monday and should be returned each Thursday morning.
We have PE every Wednesday.
Our World Around Us topics this year are:
- Pirates
- Houses & Homes
- World War II
- Famous People
- Weather & Space
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

Curriculum Information
In Term 3, we are looking forward to learning more about Famous People, Weather and Space.
We are practising addition and subtraction with regrouping ("carrying over" and "borrowing") including word problems. We are learning our times tables and have just started to focus on multiplication and division.
An easy way to help your children learn through play...
Free online learning games your children might like to play at home as well as school...
- Top Marks "Hit the Button"
- Top Marks "mental maths train"
Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, 63 Alliance Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim. BT14 7JE | Phone: 028 9039 1961