Access Keys:

Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim
The EA Admissions portal is will close on Friday for 2025/2026 enrolment to Nursery & P1. Please let us know if we can support you with this.
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Literacy is made up of 3 main areas... talking and listening, writing and reading.

In Wheatfield we ensure lessons are fun, engaging and progressive. We use Jolly learning across the school, this programme helps children learn sounds, spellings and grammar in a multisensory way using actions, sounds, songs and stories.

Our reading scheme starts with wordless books for beginning readers and ranges to complex novels that challenge more established readers. We run fun competitions throughout the year to enthuse pupils e.g. handwriting, poetry and short stories. Every class  has a full library of exciting books covering all genres. Children also have access to an experienced Literacy Support Teacher and we offer an enrichment programme too.

In Wheatfield we love to learn and literacy, language and communication is the gateway to all other areas of the curriculum.