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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim
The EA Admissions portal is will close on Friday for 2025/2026 enrolment to Nursery & P1. Please let us know if we can support you with this.
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School of Sanctuary


We at Wheatfield Primary School are proud to be a School of Sanctuary! But what does that mean?

The School of Sanctuary award is presented to schools who have worked with the Urban Villages Initiative, the Education Authority and the City of Sanctuary Group in order to make themselves welcoming places for all pupils and their families, where every child feels safe and where they are fully accepted.

The award was presented to us in 2021 and it is something we are incredibly proud of!

In Northern Ireland we have such a wide and diverse range of cultures around us at all times. Inclusivity is something we feel strongly about and it is so important to us that everyone in our school and in our wider community feels welcome at Wheatfield Primary School.

Some of the fun activities include:

  • Creating a Garden of Sanctuary space
  • International Food Tasting Day