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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim


2022/2023 School Year

23rd May 2023
22nd May 2023
Our amazing stars.
22nd May 2023
Nursery love making play dough on a Monday. We learn how to measure ingredients,...
22nd May 2023
Nursery have been practicing our cutting skills- warming up our fingers and thumbs...
19th May 2023
Nursery had such a lovely day with P1 on Friday. We had a lovely story from Mrs...
19th May 2023
P1 love a visit from their P5 buddies!
19th May 2023
P1 are enjoying their Under the Sea topic. 
17th May 2023
P3 made analogue clocks and set them to their favourite time in the day. 
17th May 2023
P3 had lots of fun learning through play. Chasing bubbles, building, painting and...