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Wheatfield Primary and Nursery School, Belfast, Co. Antrim

P7 Taster Day - Boys' Model and Girls' Model

12th Dec 2022

It was a bittersweet day today as our P7s had their first taste of life after Wheatfield PS.

Today our boys and girls were hosted by the Boys' Model and the Girls' Model School. The boys and girls had a blast taking part in lots of different activities such as crafting icicle decorations in the Technology lab, making Christmas biscuits in the Home Ec. kitchens, and even some competitive dodgeball and netball.

A massive thank you to both the Boys' Model and Girls' Model for their hospitality, especially from former pupils Rhys and Kaiden. Both gentlemen continue to represent the values of our school in their new one.

Since Wheatfield opened in 1953, we have enjoyed a long and prosperous relationship with both Model schools. Long may it continue!